Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Writing Wednesday - What Kind of Teacher

It is now exactly three weeks until school begins. Teachers will go back for preplanning on July 31st (yes, it says July) and students come into to 'Meet Your Teacher' Day on August 1. One of the things I am going to grab them with right away has to do with writing. As their parents are filling out paperwork or asking me questions about what to expect during the year, my new class will be adding to 2 wall charts entitled 'What makes a good teacher?' and 'What makes a good student?'

I got this idea from Pinterest and have it pinned to my board  here. The original idea was to ask 'What kind of teacher do you want?' I changed it up a bit to let them give a more rounded response than just a list of adjectives.

As school starts I pull this chart back out and see if we can organize the ideas into categories. From there I can go right into the idea of paragraphing. We can craft a main idea sentence and use their responses as the supporting details. By the end we have a writing piece that establishes expectations for me right away.

I love it!

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